Get the inspiration, ideas and strategy you need to grow your online business and make more sales.
You know you want to spend time working ON your business but you never quite get around to it. 

Or maybe you optimistically put time in the diary each week to get stuff done, but that time inevitably gets filled with other “busy” tasks that don’t actually push your business forward.

Sounding familiar? 

Having the odd journaling session here and there is great for checking in with yourself, but you may feel like you’re going round in circles and spending more time thinking about what you want to be planning, rather than actually getting on with it. 

I hear you. 

But, what if you could block out an entire day in your diary for just you and your plans. 

You could be joining a group of incredible women to indulge in structured time and support that allows your mind to flow, and inspire your next big steps inside your business. . 

Sounds dreamy, right? 

Welcome to Love Mondays Club Mastermind Day! 

The ultimate escape from your daily diary demands to help you design, create and map out your next big sales and marketing moves. 

Plus, it's perfect timing so that you can take time over the summer to fine tune your ideas, ready to hit the ground running in September. 

Is this exactly what you’re looking for? 

Keep reading to see a full breakdown of the day. 

What you’ll achieve from the day:

We’ll shine a spotlight on your current business and really dig deep into what’s working well, and where you want to see improvements. Using coaching support and reflection exercises, we’ll get to the root of where you want your business to go next. 

Strategy and Planning: 

With inspiration and ideas flowing, we’ll shine a spotlight on how you’re going to achieve your next steps. Together, we will map out your path to success and learn how to set clear goals, develop actionable plans, and overcome obstacles standing in the way of your business growth. 


Being surrounded by fellow ambitious women will allow you to challenge your thinking, spark creativity, and discover breakthrough ideas that you may have never considered inside your unique business. 

On the day:

9:30 - Arrivals and introduction to the day 

10:30 - 1pm: Session 1: Fuel For Your Future: A deep-dive into discovering the next steps inside your business. 

1-2pm: A delicious lunch with time to relax and network. 

1-3pm: Session 2: From Vision to Action: Business strategy planning specifically designed around your next steps with a focus on your marketing and sales. 

3-4pm: Reflections from the day and 'ask me anything' session. 

4pm onwards: Celebrations and fizz. 

Key Details: 

When: Friday 5th July - 9:30am - 5pm 

Where: Private Room - Home Grown Club - London 

Food: A delicious lunch will be provided along with refreshments. 

Photos: Kika (our wonderful photographer) will also be attending the event if you would like headshots (please note this is an additional cost that is paid directly to Kika). 

Kind words from previous events: 

I got so much more out of this day than I was already expecting to! Sitting in a posh room in London surrounded by other professionals just made me feel so proud of myself and everything I have achieved in my business. It seems so small but it honestly felt like a dream to be there. I would never have imagined I would have done anything like that! The workshops, the guest speakers just the whole experience was amazing and I cannot recommend this event enough! I can't wait to start using what I've learnt in my business. If another event comes along I will definitely be there!

Lauren Coppelll
Private Tutor

The day as a whole had a focus on visibility and Helen provided a wealth on information both on strategies you would expect, but also some slightly novel ideas. There was time to collaborate with others in a similar position, as well as put a strategy in place for my own business going forward, all with Helen's expert guidance. I would highly recommend events like these to all and can't wait for the next one!

Kate Todd
Private Tutor

The whole day was incredible! I have taken so much from it and have so many ideas to improve both my visibility and in turn sales. The venue was stunning and it was great to meet with other female professionals. Some were much further ahead in their business venture than me but rather than feeling out of my depth or not in the same league, I was encouraged, given tips and most of all inspired by them. Helen's workshops were so valuable and she provided great insight into how I can be more visible in my business, the power of email marketing and strategies to develop my business in a way that was clear and didn't feel overwhelming. There was even some time to strategize so everyone had the opportunity to apply what we had covered to our own individual businesses and I've now got a great list of next steps to take. I highly recommend Helen's events and look forward to her next one!

Sam Kelly
Language Tutor

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Don't miss this amazing offer!

Special one-time offer, only £97! (Save £50)
Add on an extra 1:1 strategy session to get extra support with your strategy or tech. Work with Helen in an intensive 90-minute session after the event day to ensure you hit your sales targets. 

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LMC - Summer Mastermind Day£0

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  • 1xLMC - Summer Mastermind Day£0

All prices in GBP

About Helen 

My goals in life were very simple: I wanted a house, a dog and the freedom to make my own decisions. 

After starting my own education business, I discovered a world of more freedom and happiness than I could have ever imagined. 

Now, after years of learning and discovering the route to a happier life, it's time for me to help you achieve your goals. 

Whether you are new to business or looking to find more freedom and success in your current role, my mentoring and training programmes and workshops are where you will find all of the support, accountability and proven business techniques you need to flourish.

Helen has been great. I reached out to Helen and she provided such significant tips and strategies that I hadn't thought of as I was trying to figure out how best to manage various areas. Thank you Helen, you've been amazing!

Jess Wagjiani
Online Education Business